Monday, January 28, 2013

0 Podcasting

7th Grade students will be creating Podcasts giving instructions on How to Do something. Your goal today will be working with your partner to decide a few things;

1. What are you going to teach/show your audience how to do?
2. Are you doing two 1-2 minute podcasts or one 2-4 minute podcast?
3. Do you want to include video in your podcast, or just audio?

Before you decide, check out at least four "How to Do..." videos on the sites below to get some ideas.

Howcast- This site has tons of videos on how to anything! They aren't podcasts, but they may give you some ideas on how to do yours!

Teach Parents Tech by Google- Website by Google where kids made short videos on how to use technology for adults

Wonder How to- Another site packed with How to do... videos!

Once you have made some decisions, please fill out one form per group to hand in to me with your choices.  (**Forms on Front table under board)

Monday, January 21, 2013

0 Substitute Class Thursday

Hi 7th graders, I'm sorry I will be missing you today.  I hope you will do your best to follow ALL of the instructions on here to complete each task.  If you need help, or don't understand something please ask the person NEXT to you, or email me and ask, I'll be with my computer all day. (

The other day, one of your classmates was contacted by a blog owner asking your classmate to take down a picture she had used, or face a fine for violating copyright law.  It made me think that maybe we could all use a refresher on Copyright, Plagiarism & Fair Use.

Follow these steps in order, please take your time, and watch everything.  Your next class will most likely depend on what you have learned.

You may start class by logging into X2 and checking your grades if you want.  They were posted yesterday. Username & password on back board.

1. Take the link to my Prezi. Please read everything and watch each video. Watch & read more than once if you need to. 

2. Do you feel like you need more information on some of these topics?  Check out at least one link below, or all of them.

Taking the mystery out of Copyright Videos & games

Copyright Kids!

CyberBee Questions/Answers & Games

Slide Show: How Students Use technology to Cheat

Plagiarism in Plain English Video

BrainPop Video (username: BIS123  Password hint --BHSmascot-I forgot to ride on board sorry!

Link for 7C ONLY!!!

3. Log -in to Google Apps and go to Google Docs

4. Create a new document, give it the title: PCF ILT# (add your number, 7A=#4,  7C=#1, 7D = #2)

5. Open another tab and go to google search

6. Search any topic, but keep it school appropriate and click on any result (Doesn't matter which one, you are only doing one thing with it.)

7. Number your Google Doc 1-3

8. Number 1: Give me an example of plagiarism from your search result (hint* copy and paste), then give me an example of how you could make it so it isn't plagiarized. (hint* put it in your own words & say where it came from)

9. Number 2: Give me an example of something that is copyrighted. What does it mean to break copyright? (Doesn't have to be from search result)

10. Number 3: Give me an example of Fair Use.  How does Fair Use apply to you or one of your teachers?

11. Don't know an answer?  Go back to one of the links above and review

12. Check that you used full sentences, proper spelling, and grammar

13. Doc automatically saves, so exit out of it, go back to drive, and drag and drop this document into your ILT folder.  ***This will make the doc shared with me, and I will be reading them at my conference :)

14. Double check your doc is shared with me before moving on

If you finish, you have the flollowing options and only these options please.

****Absolutely NO YouTube or Pandora please*****

Have a great Day
~Miss Sweeney

Thursday, January 10, 2013

0 Using Google Search Effectively

Matt Cutts, an engineer at Google, explains "How Search Works" below