Monday, November 25, 2013

0 Monday Nov 25th Substitute Class

Hello 7th Graders! Please complete the following tasks in order;

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

0 Happy Pinning!

Image Source

 Hello 7th Graders! Today you will be creating a Pinterest account.  Pinterest is one of my favorite sites EVER! I started on Pinterest back when it was in a Beta testing mode and you could only join by invitation! 

Some of you may already have a personal account, but the account you create today will be your school, or professional account using your mybps email address. 

You will use this account to create boards for school.  You will be able to organize resources for school projects on these boards.The first board you are going to create will be for your blog. You will then search for resources to use for future blog posts.Please watch this video for some tips & tricks for using Pinterest.  In addition, please use the Pinterest help center as another resource.

Have fun!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

0 RSS Feeds & FEEDLY

You may have seen the symbol below and asked, "what is that?!"

It represents an RSS feed, and you will be creating a Feedly account in order to receive these feeds.  Confused? Let me back up, please watch the videos below, read my facts, and check out all the resources before you create your account and find blogs to subscribe to.

Feeders and Readers Some Facts:
(How to find and follow other blogs)
  • Get updates from a variety of websites, pick and choose which sites you want to visit, and skim posts for the ones you want to read. 
  • If you end up "following" a bunch of blogs or sites, Feedly allows you to organize them into folders and create categories so it doesn't get overwhelming.
  • Keeps you connected to other bloggers, whether it's a classmate or another student across the country.
  • If you aren't interested in reading a post you subscribe to one day, just scroll past it!
  • Share posts you like with others.

Friday, November 1, 2013

0 7th Grade Checklist

Hello 7th Graders! I'm very sorry I am missing you today! Please make sure to follow all the instructions carefully on here to complete all tasks.  **At the end of class, please be sure to complete a "Stick-it to Leave" stating everything you have completed.

Link to Student Blogs  

Please complete all tasks in order.  Checklists and resources for each task are also located in the 7th grade folder by your computer. 

1.Make corrections to the first blog post that the substitute will hand back.  To do this, you go to the list of posts and click edit.

2. Adjust your About Me if needed.  Remove ANYWHERE where it says Cape Cod.  I do not want Cape Cod on your blogs-to personal.  
----Some of your about me take up to much space on the side of your blog because the section in introduction is too long.  Fix this by clicking edit profile. (look at directions in red folder)

3. Create a new post, include images and what you have learned from the corrections of first post.  Have a classmate peer edit before posting.

4. Look at the new blog design rubric in the red folder.  This is how the overall blog will be graded in a few weeks.  Check to make sure you have everything.

5. Check out other student blogs and leave appropriate comments.  The link is here

6. Add widgets & gadgets to your blog.  I am requiring that you add three.  You may also create a Voki and add that too.  Do not add games to your blog.  We have found them to be very distracting for your readers.  Instructions in folder & on my blog. ( More gadget options in previous post, scroll down)

7. If you haven’t done one already, you may take a web camera and upload and edit a photo for your blogger profile.  Instructions in red folder.

8. EVERYONE must add a sticky note to the back board with your name listing everything you completed.